Mystories in the cloud


Our love affair with red wine began in late September 2001 during a lunch at the Palace of Versailles. Seated across from us was a couple who worked for the newly established DEA in Romania. The conversation unfolded, revealing the intricate dynamics of the drug scene post-Ceausescu's regime. Considering the potential risks that these two could be marked for elimination, when they offered us a glass of red wine, we said, why not!. That first taste of Bordeaux turned out to be the most exquisite sip we had ever experienced, setting us on a 22-year journey of exploring and savoring countless remarkable wines. We harbored hopes of relishing another glass atop the Eiffel Tower, but in the days after 9/11, it was closed to the public. Undeterred, we redirected our course to Las Vegas, where, in the Eiffel Tower restaurant atop the Paris hotel, we shared our second bottle of the finest Bordeaux we had ever encountered. Below is a list of the distinguished wineries we've had the pleasure of visiting over the years.